Title: Tropical Palm Air Freshener, Laguna Breeze Scent, 8-Pack Hanging Paper for Car, Truck, and Van Description: Experience the refreshing scent of the tropics with this Laguna Breeze hanging air freshener. Shaped like a vibrant palm tree, it adds a burst of freshness to your car, truck, or van. Infused with a tropical blend of fruits and palm leaves, this air freshener is perfect for those who love a clean and invigorating atmosphere. Each pack contains 4 air fresheners, providing long-lasting fragrance for up to 60 days. Simply hang it from your rearview mirror or in any small space to enjoy the uplifting scent. Key Features: Laguna Breeze scent: a tropical mix of fruits and palm leaves. Palm tree-shaped paper air freshener, perfect for cars, trucks, and vans. Easy to use—just hang it and enjoy the fresh fragrance. Long-lasting: Provides up to 60 days of freshness per air freshener. 4-pack to keep your vehicle smelling fresh longer. How to Use: Hang the air freshener from your car's rearview mirror or place it in any small area where you want to enjoy a refreshing tropical scent. Replace after 60 days or when the fragrance starts to fade.